Europass CV
The Europass is a system that was introduced as a means of standardising the format for recording skills/qualifications and experience so that they are understood in Europe and candidate countries. It was officially launched 31st January 2005 in Luxembourg.
The Europass CV replaces the European CV, which was introduced in 2002. The Europass is supported by National Europass Centres.
So whether you want to enrol for an education programme or are seeking work, this set of documents can assist you with overcoming barriers that may exist between countries in Europe with regard to understanding differences in qualifications and competencies etc. The Europass is as helpful to employers and education providers as it is to students and job seekers as it helps them to understand what people changing countries have to offer.
The five Europass documents consist of:
Europass curriculum vitae (CV) and Europass Language Passport which you complete yourself and Europass Certificate Supplement, Europass Diploma Supplement and Europass Mobility which are completed for you.
Who needs a Europass?
- If you are seeking employment in another country in Europe
- If you are entering higher education of wish to join a training programme
- Employers and education providers may wish to recognise qualifications as issued by other European countries and also skills.
What does the Eurpass do?
- Europass details your qualifications and skills
- Europass is a standardised document stored electronically
- Europass provides you with recognition for your non-accredited learning and work experiences
- Europass enables you to study and work abroad
- Europass enables you to overcome linguistic barriers
The Europass CV documents can be downloaded from the Europass main site enabling you to complete the CV on your own computer. In addition the Europass main site offers many useful links that relate to the remaining 4 documents that make up the Europass.
Check out the main Europass website for more details