Executive Resumes Overview
There is a major difference between executive and normal or standard resumes. Executive resumes are defined as: 'a document which introduces yourself and your ability to lead and influence others, listing your influence on the direction and profitability of a company.'
Your executive resume has to touch on the following issues:
- New products
- Profitability of new products
- New Markets
- Income & Product diversification
- Internal reorganisations
- Outsourcing
Hard facts are important. One or two lines on how you either increased profits or reduced costs will put you ahead of the competition. From the information already given you can see than mile stones and accomplishments are more central to an executive resume than is the case with a standard resume.
The executive work market is highly competitive and many good candidates are overlooked through not paying enough attention to writing a good executive resume. Remember, your resume has to convince the recruiter / interview to dial your number without any hesitation.
Accomplishments are the fundaments of a resume. Positive accomplishments that is! But accomplishments alone cannot convince a selection committee so 'soft skills' also need to be mentioned. How they were applied in particular situations should also be added.