Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

Job Search Organization  

Opportunity comes to those who wait if they work while they wait! Those who have lived all their lives having their activities organized for them had better wake up and start working at mastering the skill of organization. Work experience alone will not help you if you can't manage and organize your daily activities for yourself.
Work out a plan for your job hunt and stick to it. It will be very easy to be tempted to give up the search and settle down back into the old rut. Don't allow anything or anyone to distract you from your goal to find a new job.

Time and Job Hunting

Looking for a new job is a fulltime job in itself! The first and biggest hurdle is to overcome the inertia. Once the heels are set into motion, it will be easier to keep them moving. Try and be consistent in this endeavor. It's hardly any use if you start enthusiastically and then your enthusiasm withers out.

If you are jobless, you can and should put in more time and effort into finding a job. If you are busy with your existing job most of the day, you will have to squeeze in some time for job hunting into your schedule.

For the unemployed, starting a job search is like being self-employed to flaunt your skills and convince prospective employers why you could be a prize-catch. For the already employed, a job search is a part-time job.

Advance Scheduling

Make a schedule and stick to it religiously. First decide how many hours a day you can devote towards this occupation. Then decide what you will do in that time slot everyday for each day of the week.

Make Yourself Accountable

Keep everything related to your job search in one place and ear-mark that place only for job search related activities. This will help you save time when you need to find related information at short notice and also tune your brain to get into job hunt mode when you are in that area.
Make a checklist of goals you think you should accomplish in the stipulated time and try to abide by it. If you don't, try and figure out why you couldn't and try harder the next time.
Involving another person in this project or joining a group of people in the same boat could also be a big help.

Keep Accurate Records

The biggest mistake you could make is to assume you will remember details of all those who may be helpful. You won't! Make notes of every name you come across and write down all you know about the name either of companies or of people. File this information in an organized manner where you will find it easily.

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