Job Guide

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Questions to people applying for managerial jobs : Interview  

There are many questions to people applying for managerial jobs. One of the typical questions are, 'you are too qualified or too experienced for the job'. The interviewer is actually happy to have you - he/she just wants to know why you would be happy with a position where you may be over-qualified. Be truthful and here a bit of flattery would go along way. You may say, that since the company is one that was admired by you for a long time, you would like to gain an entry point so you could not only be a part of the company, but also be able to contribute better and faster to its goals and growth. The answer should sound convincing even to your own ears; hence it needs a lot of practice.

'Are you rated as a efficient manager?' or 'What is your style of management?' are other questions which you will face while applying for managerial jobs. Here you emphasize on your efficiency with examples in your past and quote your management style as bottom-up approach or open-door which are the most people and results oriented methods. However, you should be familiar with what it involves (not only rattling of names of the methods) - so this question needs a lot of preparation. You need to be able to confidently put forward a good supporting argument in case the interviewer chooses to challenge your statement or choice.

'Have you dismissed anyone in your team? Why?' or 'How do you hire people?' are questions that seek to judge you ability to assess people's fit within your team, and your company and take touch decisions based on what you know. You may answer that your decisions to fire or hire are both based on one principle, value addition to the job and company. Your answer should be able to ramify the reasons and methods you use for analyzing value-addition ability of an employee. Hence, you need to prepare for these type of questions.

Questions like 'what does your boss think about you' and/or 'what do your juniors think of you' aim at finding out your self-assessing capacity. Be honest in your answer, highlighting your positive aspects while minimizing your negative traits - if any. This is an answer which can be easily check out - if in doubt, so be careful that you tell the truth.

'What if your biggest negative trait as a manager' is a question that you should answer with care. You do not want to wipe of your chances of being employed, neither can you say you have no negative traits. Use a minor negative trait which leaves scope for improvement, such as, 'I get boggled with details, but now I am learning to delegate responsibility and am able to manage these better'.

Your managerial traits and positive professional aspects should be highlighted in each and every answer; and if you are asked to describe a negative trait do so in a very positive manner, as an already identified flaw which is already on its way to be turned into strength.

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