Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

Writing a Good Resume  

Your resume is like your representative - it tells a prospective employer all about you. Writing a good resume will make the best possible first impression on your behalf. Your resume should show the prospective employer clearly, why their job and your skills are a perfect match. Here are a few things to keep in mind while writing a good resume:
  • Be relevant: Don't list information that has nothing to do with the position or your qualifications for it.
  • Create an Internet-ready version: When you apply for a job online, the formatting in your resume may not translate properly and may render it difficult to read. Prepare a text-only version with no formatting for such purposes.
  • Use design to your advantage: The layout of your resume will determine its value, and yours. Use highlighting, bold face and bullets to attract attention to key achievements. Choose a font that is easy to read. Make use of the white space on the paper to draw the eye where you want.
  • Be correct: Make sure there are no typos or spelling mistakes. Proofread your resume ten times before even thinking of sending it. If possible, have someone else read it for you.
  • Clear and Concise: Be specific and use short sentences or phrases. Employers usually scan through resumes and only read those that make the best impressions.

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