How You Can Find Proofreading Jobs
For those looking for freelance proofreading opportunities, you will find them posted and advertised throughout the internet. People are looking for individuals who want to work hard and will provide them with quality work from the beginning. Here's the trick though. How will these people and businesses know that you are worth the time and expense? How do they know you have good quality proof reading qualities? They do not know. They need two things from you in order to choose you over another individual. They need samples of your work and they need to know that you have the right training to be a proof reader.
When you are looking for jobs remember to look for all sorts of opportunities. On many message boards, you will find postings for jobs that are for proof reading. To get them, have samples of your skills ready, have testimonials of your previous work as well. And, have the right amount of training to do your job well. Proofreading jobs will come to those who can prove themselves in these areas. To get started, do a couple projects for free or at a discounted rate. Prove yourself and your education, then the jobs will come. To start out, look online at those websites that people gather at to find skilled providers. By doing a simple search for "proofreading jobs" you will find some. You may need to pay for membership, but when you have access to that many opportunities, you'll be happy you did.