Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

Five worst and the five best ways to hunt for a job  

Five worst ways of hunting for job: The five worst ways to try to find a job, listed in order from worst to least worst (awful grammar!) are:

Using The Internet:

The success rate of using the internet turns out to be around 4%. That is out every 100 job hunters who use the internet as their search method only four will find a job, while 96 job hunters out of a 100 will not find the jobs that are out there, if they use only the internet to search for jobs. 4% is a summary of a range, so if you are seeking a technical or computer related job, an IT job, or a job in engineering, financing, or health-care the rates rise. I would say that this rate would be around 10%. For the other 10,000 job titles that are out there, the rate appears to drop to around 1%. Make sure that you know the odds of any job hunting method. This way you know ahead of time what your odds are, in this case (internet search) really bad. This way of the method does not work for you will not take it so personally.

Mailing Out Resumes To Employers At Random:

This method is claimed to have about a 7% success rate. Out of every 100 job hunters 7 will find a job, 93 job-hunters out of 100 will not find a job if they use only this method to search for them. One study showed that out side of the internet only 1 out of 1470 resumes actually resulted in a job. In other words resumes here had a 99.94% failure rate. Again before you use any job hunting technique,
know the odds ahead of time, so if it does not work out you will not take it personally.

Answering Ads In Professional or Trade Journals, Appropriate To Your Field:

This method again only has a success rate of 7% that is out of every 100 job hunters only seven will find a job using this method. 93 job-hunters out of 100 will not find the jobs which are out there if they use only this method. Again it is really important to make sure that you know the odds of finding a job using this method. That way if you know the odds are bad and you don't get the job, you will not take it personally.

Answering Local Newspaper Ads:

This method had a 5-24 % success rate. This is out of every 100 job-hunters who use this method five to twenty four will find a job, and 76-95 job-hunters out of hundred will not find the jobs they are looking for.

Going To Private Employment Agencies or Search Firms For Help:

This method has a 5-28% success rate, which means that out of every 100 job-hunters between 5 and 28 will find a job, which leaves 72-95 job-hunters out of 100 who will not find the job they are looking for just using this method. (This fluctuation can be due to the level of salary being sought after, the higher the salary being sought; the higher the salary being sought, the fewer job-hunters who are able to find a job, using only this method).

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