Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

Seven Job Search Myths  

When it comes to job hunting, there is no shortage of “experts” to tell you exactly what
you need to do to find a good job. That said, there’s also no limit to the amount of bad
advice you can accumulate in the process of your search. Here is a list of some of the
most common job hunting myths.

Myth #1: There is one right way to find a job.

Although many job hunting surveys point to the power of networking as the single
most valuable job search strategy, an effective job search strategy is much like a wellbuilt
financial portfolio that reflects the value of diversification. In addition to networking,
make sure that you respond to advertised listings, talk to recruiters, contact
potential employers directly, and learn how to parlay contract or temporary jobs into
permanent full-time positions.

Myth #2: If a job isn’t advertised in the paper or on the company’s Web site,
there aren’t any positions available.

Although many employers use classified ads and online job postings to advertise
open positions, many jobs are never advertised. In order to identify these hidden
jobs, you must proactively call companies that interest you and continue to develop
and expand your network of contacts.

Myth #3: Nobody reads cover letters.

As a matter of course, resumes should almost always be accompanied by a wellwritten
cover letter. This cover letter can be valuable for several reasons:
● It targets a specific person and job title as a way of ensuring that your
resume makes it to the desk of the right hiring authority
● It provides an opportunity to highlight those skills and experiences that are
most relevant to your target (regardless of whether they are listed on your
● It is a clear illustration of your writing skills
● It is the professional thing to do

Myth #4: A resume should always be one page.

As traditional career ladders have vanished, so too has the one-page resume started
to go the way of the dinosaur. For many experienced job hunters, limiting your
resume to one page doesn’t make sense if that means that you must also eliminate
potentially important information in the process. As a general rule, your resume
should be succinct and well written. Depending on the nature of your experience,
you may need two pages to include all relevant information. Having said that, try to
include the most relevant information in the first page.

Myth #5: If a company likes my resume, they will call me in for an interview.

In a perfect world, this would be the reality of every job search. But in the so-called
Information Age, the reality is that it’s easy for your resume to get lost among the
hordes of paperwork. It is incumbent on you to make sure that your resume gets
noticed. You can do that by following up your resume and cover letter with a telephone
call or e-mail to make sure that the recruiter knows who you are and why you
are so well qualified.

Myth #6: It’s not what you know that matters; it’s who you know that counts.

In fact, it’s both who and what you know that counts. While a good referral can get
you in the door and in front of the right people, if you don’t have the skills and
experience to do the job, the odds are against you. To make sure that doesn’t happen,
take the time to develop a focused job search strategy that really capitalizes on
your strengths and qualifications.

Myth #7: When it comes to sending out resumes, the more the merrier.

Although many people do take a shotgun approach to job hunting, a qualitative
approach to the job market is usually more successful than a quantitative one. To do
this, you must spend some time and effort researching the job market and identifying
specific employers who can benefit from what you have to offer and then
approach them, knowledge in hand.

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