Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

Career Education Strategy: Run Your Job Search Like a Business!  

Career Education Strategy: Your Job Search Is A Business Venture

If you learn only one career education strategy, it should be this one: the employment market follows the same rules for success as the business market.

This is a key insight that supports alternative or non-traditional job search strategies. We're able to cut through the fog of traditional job searches that can take weeks or months.

As a result, we're able to guarantee customers who practice this insight the possibility of a job offer in as little as 14 days. It's the career education strategy of a lifetime!

I recently read an article that quoted Larry Thompson, a film producer. He says there is a simple four-step plan for success. He uses it with all the Hollywood stars whose careers he manages.

While Thompson's alluding to success in the film-making business, it occurred to me that the same principles apply to job search success . . . especially if you understand it as a business venture.

1. Identify and focus on your capabilities and assets. Too often we get hung up on what we can't do. Do what you dream of doing--not what others want you to do. Build a list of your talents and match them with opportunities. Your talent never limits you. Only a shortsighted vision can do that.

2. Failure-is-not-an-option commitment. Write down event or feelings in your life that can deepen your commitment to take advantage of your capabilities and assets.

3. Build your personal dream team. Every successful person has a team of supporters, mentors, professional, role models, motivators, and reality checkers. Ask them for advice. Test them. If they don't support and encourage you, drop them.

4. Make your own luck. How? Work hard, prepare for opportunities, be in the right place at the right time. Make a list of your top accomplishments. Acknowledge the effort and commitment it took to achieve them. Then go after your job opportunities, knowing that with passion and persistence you can do anything.

This formula for Hollywood success struck me because it's the same formula you need for job search success. It's one career education strategy that will for the rest of your life.

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