Job Guide

Making The First Career Decision . . .

The Pro-active Career: Better Get With The 21st Century Program!  

It's no secret that career job search times have changed. Especially in the 21st Century marketplace.

Just take a look at the dramatic changes that have occurred in the last few years:

1. Changing jobs every three years is no longer frowned upon.

2. Lifetime employment went out with the dinosaurs.

3. Corporate loyalty to workers in terms of job guarantees is dead.

4. Employees are now totally responsible for their own careers.

It was largely the corporations that ended the traditional employment contract in the late 80's and early 90's. Since the notion of "loyalty in exchange for lifetime employment" no longer made bottom line sense to many organizations, hundreds of thousands of workers lost their jobs.

So, the new 21st Century program is this:

Unless you become pro-active and self-reliant in your career you could be dead in the water.

Because of the changes listed above, employers have changed too. Their expectations of job candidates has evolved as well.

For example, if you're not prepared to demonstrate specifically how you can make a bottom-line contribution to the organization . . . you're out!

Or if you're unable to respond to tough questions about your background like a pro, you just lost out to someone who can.

Or if you're counting on your resume to sell you to a prospective employer, you go to the end of the line! Because today's savvy job seeker knows that resumes to make hiring decisions . . . people do. And being able to assertively represent yourself in a face-to-face meeting is the only way to land a high-paying job.

That's why you need 21st Century tools and techniques . . . the kind that help you identify precisely who you should be talking to. And then shows you step-by-step how to convert that encounter into a job offer.

Times have changed. Have you changed with them?

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