Sample Acceptance Letter
This is a sample acceptance letter to give you an idea on how to write your own letter, the phrases in italics, should be replaced by your own information.
[Phone Number]
[Employer's Name and Title]
[Employer's Address]
Dear [Recruiter Name],
After having considered your offer for [Position title] at [Organisation title] it is with great enthusiasm that I accept your offer. This job opportunity fits with my career expectations and path and I therefore look forward to contributing to the success of [Organisation title].
As we discussed, my starting salary will be [salary here] and health and life insurance benefits will be [describe here].
I have handed in my notice form my current job, the notice period being [notice period length].
I look forward to start [work / training course] on the [starting date]. If you need any additional documents please let me know.
Again, thank you.
Sincerely, [sign your name ]
[type your name ]
Modify this Sample Acceptance Letter to create your own version. You do not want your acceptance letter to be the same as 1000's of people.